
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Just a little thank you!

So I've been snooping around blogger, eagerly looking for more people to stalk and learn more about beauty and hopefully life!

With my birthday coming up in 2 days time, I actually questioned myself why did I start a blog in the first place?
I started my blog not because of the monetary prospects, and not for gaining followers but because I truly wanted to voice my opinions on the internet.

I tried youtubing and found that me in front of the video camera was not a good idea. I also have been trying to write a book but have not had the time to do so, nor the motivation to even follow through with it, so I thought let me post it on here and see what kind of feedback I get with it and I am quite pleased with the results and once I have some free time I have plenty of ideas to continue with my book! I've taken it further and just started reviewing everything I do in my life that I think might excite you and it feels like a job, but less 9-5 and less office-y.

I've also noticed people actually take notice of my blog and this really excites me! Knowing that I have helped 1 person or even 100 people with at least one thing, really makes me feel I have done something meaningful with my life and I am going to continue in doing so.

I can only go up from here and tbh so can you. Thank you so much to my followers and thank you to those who look upon my blog, this thanks is the least I can give back for the huge gifts you give me!

Smiles and Big hugs!


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